What happens when we listen for the Lord and want to rely on God’s strength and instructions?
Sometimes, we miss that we want the perfect life now and so we miss his instructions and yearn instead to create our own goals.
The Lord tends to be more gentle with us than we are with ourselves.
I want to be the perfect version of myself now! But in my own strength and with my own wisdom, reaching those goals is in futility. I can push myself to have all the discipline in the world but without the Holy Spirit, lasting growth will be hard to reach.
Being faithful and content with what God has placed in our hands for now should be the goal.
We can dream about writing the book but God wants us to sit down and write the outline. We can dream about giving half of our salary but God wants us to be faithful with a 10% tithe now.
Trust that the things you want to improve in your life God does have a plan for. Those desires can be placed in our hearts by God. It is essential that we trust Him in the instructions of when to pursue change in those areas.
It can be helpful to have a helping hand that can help open our eyes and reassure us of where God is taking us. If you are looking for guidance in your pursuit of where God is calling you and want to rely on God’s strength then book a free discovery call.
3 truths to meditate on about God’s strength
God is sovereign
Everything that is and ever will be and ever has been is controlled by God.
God is peace
He does not only provide peace, He is peace. Holy Spirit living within us will provide us with peace beyond our understanding.
He will never let you down
When we live our lives seeking His perfect will, we will not be disappointed. There is an appointed time for everything and His love endures.
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3 questions to pray to rely on God’s strength
1. Where does God have you right now?
Sometimes, I find myself so caught up in what I know God has called me to next that I hardly understand where I am now. This is the time to pray and ask for guidance on what the Lord is leading you to do for right now and today. In a time of growth and preparation, that can look very repetitive and unfulfilling. When those feelings kick in, its a good time to remember when God has gotten you through previous growth seasons.
When I look back at some of my preparation periods I am astounded by how quickly it all went. I typically made one Holy Spirit led move and then everything fell into place. The momentum we build in the daily mundane parts of life and the faith that we hold on to during those moments is what will lead us to the greatest success.
2. What can I surrender today?
How many times have you woken up with a full agenda ready to start the day but you have not prayed about not one task on that list? It’s really easy to get ahead of God. We have tasks that we have committed to and must do but we also have tasks that we believe are important without actually confirming if that is true. Ask the Lord, what you can give to him today. It may be a task on your list of to-dos. It may be your attitude. It can be your expectation of how you want the day to go. But let it go.
3. What can I praise the Lord for today?
Praising God is always the answer in times of uncertainty. Nothing works better to give you perspective in life than praising the Lord. Walk throughout the day, giving the Lord thanks for what he is presently doing. Keep up continuous praise as you notice God’s presence in the present.
Lastly, I pray for you to continue to rely on God’s strength in everything that you do.
Psalm 90:17
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!