As a Christian entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to shine God’s light daily to many people.
Here are 3 simple ways to shine God’s light through the work of your hands.
The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand as recorded in Matthew 14 is one of my favorites. In this miracle, we see how we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. At first glance, the disciples look compassionate by wanting to send the crowds away so they can go buy food for themselves. How thoughtful! But Jesus responds very powerfully and very simply.
“You give them something to eat.”
When we encounter opportunities to give in our daily lives, almost all of us will have a moment where we believe that someone else will come along and help that person with their need. Maybe they will be able to go figure out their own problem and buy food for themselves. Jesus empowers us for our lives and our business to be the ones to give them something to eat, so to speak. When the disciples think that they don’t have enough, He doesn’t expect them to figure out how to fill the need themselves. He only tells them that he wants them to be the ones to give it.
Jesus had compassion on this crowd. While grieving the death of John the Baptist, he was so moved by the crowd he stopped what he was doing and healed their sick.
God wants to use us as part of His miracles. It teaches us to be more like Him.
We are the vessels for giving and our business can serve that need as well. We allow our clients or customers to partake in shining God’s light in the world.
Take action to shine God’s light
- Partner with a local charity to give back
- Sponsor a community event
- Regularly donate proceeds towards a place of need
I have a confession to make… I had to look up the definition of integrity. It is one of those words where I understand what it means but I need more by way of practicality.
According to Merriam-Webster, integrity is firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, an unimpaired condition, and the quality or state of being complete or undivided.
Like the partridge that gathers a brood that she did not hatch, so is he who gets riches but not by justice; in the midst of his days they will leave him, and at his end, he will be a fool.
Jeremiah 17:11 (ESV)
Making a profit in business is important. We want to be able to take care of our families and bless others. However, that gain can come at a cost to our souls when we get it not by justice.
Many have fallen to the seductiveness of wealth. Throughout the Bible and in churches today, we have seen the effects of loving money more than God. The pursuit of money with ill intentions or by ill gain will lead to destruction.
By having integrity as a business, you invite others to see what you uphold as moral and good and true. Submitting to culture and the world is very easy to do as a business. It can feel like the only way to maintain a customer base but we must remember that the world will constantly shift.
There is nothing new under the sun and the desires of our flesh will continue to battle for supremacy. We can stand firm on the foundation of Jesus Christ and the light that we hold as given by the Holy Spirit. There are plenty of examples of businesses that have stood firm on biblical values and because of their faithfulness have received abundance from the Lord.
Take action to shine God’s light
- Create an accountability plan
- Share your values publicly
- Integrate Sabbath rest into your week
Plant in the darkness
Corinth was known for its immorality but Paul did not shy away from going. Corinth was an opportunity to spread God’s light.
In Acts 18, Paul partners with Aquila and his wife, Priscilla. Because they worked at the same trade, he stayed with them and worked with them (v. 3 ESV)
Whether music, entertainment, writing, or finance many trades will put you among those who seemingly may not share any values with you. By working alongside others, we are allowed to share the gospel naturally. We are also strengthened to work with others who share our belief in Jesus Christ.
Use your business as an opportunity to be a light in the world.
There will be seasons that allow you to be more directly involved with your time and others that require a monetary sacrifice. Share what you have with those who are in darkness. Show up faithfully where you can and allow the Holy Spirit to use you.
Take action to shine God’s light
- Host events for likeminded people in your industry
- Create an outreach program
- Mentor
As God’s children, we are given a mantle that allows us to spread His light throughout all the Earth. This is a challenge to go and do likewise. It is an opportunity to give out of the deepest parts of our souls and show the love of Jesus.
What will you do for your community? For the souls that God is entrusting you to plant with and water?
Share in the comments!