How to Know God’s Will for Your Business

How can we find confidence in knowing God’s will for our business?

I can’t count the amount of time that I put into avoiding God’s call on my life. For so long, I kept starting new things, thinking they would eventually lead me to what I knew God was calling me to.

As you can imagine, that didn’t work.

I didn’t have the success or fulfillment that I knew I would have if I simply started with what God told me to do.

Often, we go around in circles trying to tell ourselves that we should start small, that we should not take the leap, that we should baby step into what God is calling us to do. But there’s something greater in us being able to fully trust and know His vision.


The first course of action we should take for all things is to pray. How great is our Heavenly Father at answering us! Asking for direction and guidance in this area is the first step to knowing God’s will for our business. The goal of a Christian entrepreneur is to work diligently with peace. Invite the peace of the Holy Spirit into your work by asking Him to guide your steps.

And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. -Luke 11:9 (ESV)

Seeking God’s Vision: A Prayer for Christian Entrepreneurs


l will praise you for all that you are and who you are. O Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the Earth. Thank you for the opportunity to be a light in this dark world. I thank you that I am able to co-work with you. You have made me to have dominion over the works of Your hands and for that I am grateful. I humbly ask for your direction in my business. I am seeking to have your vision for my business. Open my eyes to your call and protect me from all attacks of the enemy. Send me Lord. You are my shield and my salvation. I love you.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Bible Study


The favor upon Ruth was clear. Despite the challenges of caring for her mother-in-law, Ruth humbly embraced her role with grace and determination. She worked diligently, and her faithfulness was rewarded with favor. Not only was grain intentionally left behind to make her gleaning easier, but she was also given abundantly more than she could have ever asked for. God’s provision was evident in every step of her journey.

Take time to reflect on where God is leading you. His plan of redemption for your spirit is made complete in Christ, but it doesn’t stop there. God also desires to restore the broken areas of your life, weaving them into a beautiful testimony of His faithfulness.


It is encouraged to seek confirmation and guidance every step of the way. As you work alongside God to fulfill His purposes, He is with you, ready to provide clarity and assurance.

Gideon, too, struggled with uncertainty about what he heard from God. Yet, in His faithfulness, God reassured Gideon, confirming that he had heard Him correctly and equipping him for the task ahead.

Just as He was with Gideon, God is faithful to provide the confirmation you need to move forward with confidence in His plan.

RELATED POST: 7 Engaging Year-Long Bible Studies to try right now


Reflection can guide us into deeper understanding of where we have been going and if we are going in the right direction. Regularly reflecting in prayer helps confirm that we are moving in the right direction. It aligns us with God’s will for our business, ensuring that each step we take follows His plan.

5 Questions to partner with the Holy Spirit

1. What task has God placed on my heart that I haven’t yet acted on, but just can’t seem to let go?

2. What part of the vision has been consistently clear?

3. Where can I set aside time to work on what God has called me to?2

4. What impact will this make for the kingdom of God?

5. Who is God leading me to serve right now?

Being a Christian entrepreneur is both fulfilling and challenging.

The pleasure of having God be our co-worker and leader is a blessing. Continue to see His guidance in all that you do.

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