Should Christians strive to be “That Girl”?

This post is about the “That Girl” trend for Christians

First things first, who is this elusive girl?

Who is she that her aesthetic has taken the internet by storm?

Is her name Ruth, Rebekah, or Esther?

christian that girl

The typical “that girl” routine involves waking early, drinking some sort of green beverage (matcha or smoothie, anyone?), a workout, and copious amounts of self-care products. In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with these habits. However, as Christians, we should go deeper with our lifestyle choices. 

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30 ESV) 

RELATED POST: 5 Transformative Habits To Help You Become a Proverbs 31 Woman

Question for self:

In my pursuit to become “that girl” is my heart leaning towards vanity or am I seeking to glorify God?

Instead of asking what to do to be “that girl”, we should ask ourselves “Who is the woman God has graced me to be?” (Okay, it may not be as catchy as “that girl,” but it’s far more meaningful).

That Girl

So, what should you do instead of following a prescribed set of habits to change your life? Let’s dive in:


1 Thessalonians 5:17 urges us to “pray without ceasing.” Make it the first thing you do in all things. God will show you the specific things to do for your life in that season.

Maybe going to the gym might have to be replaced with daily walks in nature. That’s okay. If we force ourselves to try to keep old habits in a new season, we may set ourselves back instead of moving forward. 


Rest is underrated. There’s a reason the very effective Pomodoro method includes breaks: we do our best work when we rest. From the very beginning, God showed us the importance of rest by His own example.

Think of the Sabbath as more than a day – it’s also a mindset. Take a Sabbath in the morning. Replace that daily grind morning mentality with one of resting with the Father for his guidance for the day. 


Striving for habits that do not fit our current season is sure to create frustration and even a sense of failure. Actively listening and trusting where God is taking us helps us create habits that stick.

The habit of listening to God saves us from trying to fill in the gaps with our own understanding. Remember, listening is a verb – it requires action. After receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit, be obedient to what He has shown you. Handle with care the tasks He has given you for the day.

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